
Your sexual health website

Our website for Sexual Health Dorset will help you find the information and services which you need.

We now have online services for STI screening and contraception, to help save you a trip to clinic for some of the most common services we offer.

We have a new Service Finder tool to help you find all our different clinics across Dorset, allowing you to search by specific services.

We also have detailed Information pages, covering STIs, contraception, pregnancy and genital health.


If you have any thoughts or feedback on the new site, we'd love to hear from you. Please complete the form below:

Let us know your thoughts or ideas on the new website:

To make an appointment or for further advice, please call:

0300 303 1948

Phoneline open 08:15-16:45 Monday-Friday

(closed 12:30-13:30 for lunch)